Ayubowan 🙏🏾, my name is Asanka


🤔 Knowing how to code makes you look at the world from a different perspective 🌏. That's why I'm so passionate about coding. Hello World 👋; welcome to my Blog 🚧. I'm still a student and am 23 years of age, so there's a long journey ahead of me 🙆. I like to dream 💬 big and to see other peoples dreams come true. I'm a tech nerd 🐱‍💻 and a coding enthusiast. Hope you might find me amusing.🤩

  “It is man that ends, but his works can endure.” - The Watchmakers Apprentice

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01. Introduction - Eight-Bit Computer



FPGAs are an interesting invention that is expected to revolutionize the digital industry. From simple boolean circuits to complicated microcontrollers can be created just with a few lines of code using FPGAs.

An Altera Stratix IV FPGA Chip

     An Altera Stratix IV FPGA Chip, Source: wikipedia.org

This series will focus on building the 8-bit computer that Ben Eater built on his youtube channel. However, it will be done not with actual chips and hardware, but with Verilog code and FPGA simulations.

For this, I will be using Icarus Verilog, a free program that lets you write Verilog code, write test benches and compile and simulate Verilog code easily.

Iverilog is an easy-to-use program that can be used with a few simple steps. First, the main Verilog code has to be written. Next, the test bench has to be written. Both of these can be done from Visual Studio Code. Once done, it can be compiled and the simulation can be viewed on GTKWave by using the following three commands. Here, module_tb.v is the test bench file for the module. Once GTKWave is opened, you can select the module_tb.vcd file to view the simulation.

>>> iverilog -o module_tb.vvp module_tb.v
>>> vvp module_tb.vvp
>>> gtkwave

At the end of this experiment, I plan to end up with a complete 8-bit computer on FPGA hardware that will exactly work as the 8-bit computer built by Ben Eater.

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